National Assembly for Wales

Health and Social Care Committee

The work of the Healthcare Inspectorate Wales

Evidence from Hafal – HIW 08




To: Committee Clerk, Health and Social Care Committee, National Assembly for Wales, Cardiff Bay, CF99 1NA.


Consultation: The work of the Healthcare Inspectorate Wales

Hafal is happy to contribute evidence to the National Assembly for Wales’ Health and Social Care Committee’s short inquiry into the work of Healthcare Inspectorate Wales (HIW).


Our evidence


The investigative and inspection functions of HIW, specifically its responsibility for making sure patients have access to safe and effective services, and its responsiveness to incidences of serious concern and systematic failures


Our response: HIW’s investigations look to be quite thorough and well carried out, particularly its homicide inquiries. There are two areas we believe HIW could improve on:


1.        The reports of HIW’s inquiries/investigations take too long to be published. We think it is reasonable to publish findings within 6 weeks of an inquiry/investigation having been completed


2.        There seems to be a lack of information or detail relating to any follow up action once an inquiry/investigation has been completed. We think that HIW should publish and make clear what assurances and remedial action authorities have said they will take in response to HIW’s recommendations


The overall development and accountability of HIW, including whether the organisation is fit for purpose


Our response:We believe HIW is fit for purpose, but that it needs to be far more visible to Third Sector organisations and to be more vigorous in promoting its services. With the drive for greater integration in Wales between health and social services, we believe there is now an ideal opportunity for the Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW) to merge with HIW to become one single organisation.  


The effectiveness of working relationships, focusing on collaboration and information sharing between HIW, key stakeholders and other review bodies


Our response: Hafal has a very good working relationship with HIW, and we are in the process of agreeing a formal protocol agreement for collaborating, sharing intelligence and exchanging information.


Consideration of the role of HIW in strengthening the voice of patients and the public in the way health services are reviewed


Our response: Mental health services are delivered both within hospital settings and also through Community Mental Health Teams in local communities. There appears to be a stronger focus on HIW reviewing hospital provision rather than the more community based services. There is a specific statutory

role for HIW to ensure that rights are being safeguarded for people in hospital who are detained under the Mental Health Act. We would like to see a much stronger focus and emphasis on HIW ensuring that all people receiving secondary mental health services have their rights upheld in accordance with the Mental Health (Wales) Measure 2010.


About Hafal

Hafal (meaning 'equal') is the principal organisation in Wales working with individuals recovering from serious mental illness and their families. We are managed by the people we support - individuals with serious mental illness and their families. Our 191 staff members  and 150 volunteers provide help and support to over 1500 people with serious mental illness and 1600 carers.  The charity is founded on the belief that people who have direct experience of mental illness know best how services can be delivered.  In practice this means that at every project our clients meet to make decisions about how the service will move forward and the charity itself is led by a board of elected Trustees, most of whom either have serious mental illness themselves or are carers of a person with a mental illness. Our mission is to empower people with serious mental illness and their families to enjoy equal access to health and social care, housing, income, education, and employment, and to achieve a better quality of life, fulfil their ambitions for recovery, and fight discrimination



Alun Thomas

Deputy Chief Executive, Hafal